About Me

What People Are Saying

Alisa has a gifted ability to help others question their thought and belief patterns so that they can access deeper relationships and connection, and greater love and light. I have l learned that my own happiness truly is determined by what I choose to think. My relationships with others are based on what I choose to think of others.

Sarah M.

Alisa brought to light some childhood feelings and situations that have conditioned me to stay in survival mode and put everyone else before me. I am working on setting boundaries, deciding for myself what my true happiness looks like, and being happy and joyful in the present moment.

Brianna C.

Working with Alisa has helped me reframe unwanted challenges in my life allowing me to tackle them in doable and more confident ways. I see now that sometimes I need to open myself up to breaking old thought patterns, which was hard, but then amazingly from there I figure out the next step for myself and move forward.


Welcome! I am Alisa — a certified coach specializing in connection and desired change.

I am a wife to a police and fire first responder, a mother of 4, well, 5 because I must include a special needs sister whom I care for regularly, and an entrepreneur of several different businesses over the years. I must add help to aging grandparents through their passing and aging parents at present...

Phew! I am just like everyone else. Trying to manage responsibilities covered in the chaos we know as life.

What I value most and help others create is the calm and connection they desire in daily life.

Quality relationships, that aren’t stuck in the same unhealthy loops and arguments.

I invested in myself, my family, and my future by going to school and training. I see a personal coach every week as well which has profoundly changed my family for the better in every way.

I get others out of misery by working alongside them to help simplify their most significant pain points and cycles, pin down their hearts’ desires, and follow all that with an individualized plan and support moving forward.

Connection and fulfillment in life and relationships have become my life’s passion. After all , that is what carries beyond this life.

My Story

Looking back I was so emotional. I didn’t realize how much I was not enjoying my life. I was merely surviving and tolerating it. Looking back I spent that first 15-20 years of my marriage pointing out the countless imperfections I saw. These imperfections were all mistakes that needed to be fixed. I was convinced most of it should never have gone that way! I complained about and blamed everything around me for my lack of happiness and fulfillment. I truly believed life was meant to be hard because the proof I had. My evidence was that the very things I worked toward were being ripped away from me. I also noticed that the opposite of my dreams was happening instead. That's when I gave up, what I would now describe as abandoning myself.

I entered a realm of chronic body pain. I tried many different modalities for relief. Some were helpful but temporary. The pain was a daily and hourly battle for me. That was robbing me of my happiness too!

I found life coaching in 2019. Nothing had changed, not the behaviors of those around me, not my body pain and anguish, not my finances and caregiving overwhelm, but somehow I was feeling better. Noticing this small amount of relief opened me up to the possibility of not needing things around me to change. I became more creative and stopped settling for misery like before.

My mind then became unstoppable with this practice. I had a small belief and enough curiosity to find a better or easier way despite all the odds being stacked against me. Because all of that heaviness and burden was still there. I remember thinking Life Coaching must be POWERFUL! Why do I feel different when nothing has changed.

These specific tools I started using were transforming me. I connected with the heavens to help me, which connected me to my divine potential. I now had reinforced my abilities to tap into myself. After all, God knows me the very best! My power was found in choice! Choice became real to me. My decisions were now aligning with my true direction. I got to be in the driver seat in my own life again by seeing the things that were true, which meant deciding to look past the lies offered to me everywhere. I was no longer being thrown off into despair. I became deliberate with my thoughts and found I could more easily regroup. My awareness and discernment sharpened as I became more familiar with these tools.

It didn't stop there.

I became the creator of my love, my life and my relationships. Life became most fulfilling, calm, and connected. My pain lessened over the years. I I did the work to put routines and boundaries in place to manage all my physical and emotional needs. Life is now rich and deep. More than I ever knew was possible.
Because of my life experiences, education, and training, I know how to help you get there too!!